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Ten Reasons Gen Z’s Are Vulnerable in the Era of Internet and Smartphones.

April 27, 2019

Ten Reasons Gen Z’s Are Vulnerable In The Era Of Internet And Smartphones.

1. They change the parent-child relationship

Even while smartphones can be helpful, they reshape the bonding that is expected to exist between a parent and child. The connectivity attached with smartphone use cannot be the same as the natural relationship which a parent and a child meant to have. Children are still going through a cycle of growth, and you need to show your relationship with them. With smartphones, you have speed and instant answers available; to conclude, this could lead to your children making bad choices for his or her future.

2. It reduces their creative minds

With easy access through a smartphone to a bulk of their play, children now have a platform to be bombarded with different exciting games. These games limit their creativity, imaginations and limit their motor and optical sensory development.

3. It causes them to get less sleep

It is admitted by many youngsters, a smartphone in the bedroom can bring about less sleep, later bedtimes, and higher fatigue. Your child needs to be getting enough sleep and have his or her brain rested for the next day’s activities. A smartphone would not help him reach that.

4. It does not give children the time to respond or learn about the aftereffects of their actions

Imagine a child having a discussion on a chat site and things go awry. “I wish you lose your life” is delivered at him. Even perfectly nice kids would automatically react by stating, “I wish you lose your life too.’” This develops because they do not offer the child the freedom to express on the impact and the negativism of their actions or what they express. With a smartphone, things happens quickly.

5. Smartphone prevents their ability to learn

According to scientists, a smartphone is injurious to a child’s social-economic development as it distracts a child’s mind. According to the findings, the use of interactive screen time on such appliances could also weaken a child’s development of the skills required for math and science.

6. It causes an addiction

It threatens the child’s comprehensive development. By employing them in so many activities, a smartphone could develop into a source of addiction. This addiction engages their minds and fascinates them for a long time, even to adulthood.

7. It carries a negative impact on your child’s psychic and physical health

Corresponding to experts, amongst the causes of depression and anorexia in kids is the smartphone and connection to the internet through which kids get bullied and often unsupervised; there is a negative impact on their psychological health.

8. It indirectly causes obesity

Too often time wasted on smartphones also disturbs the physical health of your kids. With a smartphone, your child is fascinated to remain at a specific spot for hours. Such technology overuse is now an element causing obesity.

9. It causes behavioural problems

Spending over two hours per day on a smartphone is enough to cause emotional and social problems. Exposure to the games available on smartphone apps links children to an increased risk of attention problems.

10. It desensitizes children to violence

Through the smartphone, it exposes kids to violence in games and through cyberbullying on chat sites. This desensitizes children and prompts them to accept that violent behaviour is a normal way to solve problems.